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Isolated facial diplegia variant of Guillain–Barré syndrome with anti-GM1 IgG antibody
Jin Ho Jung, Sukyoon Lee, Jung Hwa Seo, Jong Seok Bae, Kyong Jin Shin, Jong Kuk Kim, Byeol-A Yoon, Seong-il Oh
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2022; 24(1): 17-20. Published online April 28, 2022
Electrognostic findings of Guillain-Barré syndrome
Byeol-A Yoon, Jong Seok Bae, Jong Kuk Kim
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2020; 22(1): 13-18. Published online April 30, 2020
Retraction: Application of near-infrared spectroscopy in clinical neurology
Yoo Hwan Kim, Byung-Jo Kim, Jong Seok Bae
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2019; 21(2): 117-117. Published online July 31, 2019
Electrophysiological and radiological evidence for the multifocal nature of a case of multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory and motor neuropathy
Gi-Hun Seong, Jong Seok Bae, Sanghyo Ryu
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2018; 20(2): 101-104. Published online July 31, 2018
Application of near-infrared spectroscopy in clinical neurology
Yoo Hwan Kim, Byung-Jo Kim, Jong Seok Bae
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2018; 20(2): 57-65. Published online July 31, 2018
Moving towards synergy: The Korean Society of Pain & Autonomic Disorders is welcome!
Jong Seok Bae, Ha Young Shin
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2018; 20(2): 55-56. Published online July 31, 2018
It is our differences that make us similar
Jong Seok Bae
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2018; 20(1): 1-2. Published online January 31, 2018
Normal data on axonal excitability in Koreans
Ju Young Lee, Jin Hyeok Yu, So Young Pyun, Sanghyo Ryu, Jong Seok Bae
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2017; 19(1): 34-39. Published online January 26, 2017
“Annals of Clinical Neurophysiology,” the new official English journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
Jong Seok Bae
Ann Clin Neurophysiol.
2017; 19(1): 1-2. Published online January 26, 2017
Anatomical Findings of Hemiplegia Cruciata in Multiple Sclerosis
Hye Young Jeong, Eun Joo Chung, Eung Gyu Kim, Jong Seok Bae
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2014; 16(1): 39-41. Published online June 30, 2014
Recurrent Atopic Myelitis Presenting as an Isolated Lhermitte’s Sign
Ki-Hwan Ji, Won-Cheol Choi, Jung Hwa Seo, Eun Joo Chung, Sang-Jin Kim, Oeung Kyu Kim, Jong Seok Bae
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2013; 15(2): 68-70. Published online December 31, 2013
Establishment and Perspective of the Korean ALS Registry
Eun Hee Sohn, Byung-Jo Kim, Jong Kuk Kim, Jong Seok Bae, Wonki Baek, Bum Chun Suh, Jung-Joon Sung, Suk-Won Ahn, Joong Yang Cho, Yoon-Ho Hong, The Korean ALS/MND R Group
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2011; 13(2): 71-79.
Polymyositis After Bone Marrow Transplantation: As anUncommon Manifestation of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease?or Autoimmune Process?
Won-cheol Choi, Yong Han Jung, Yeong Il Yang, Jong Seok Bae
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2011; 13(1): 58-60.
Bilateral Sixth Nerve Palsies as the Sole Manifestation ofAtypical Miller-Fisher Syndrome
Sang Woo Nho, Jong Kuk Kim, Whan Seok Park, Eun Joo Jung, Sang Jin Kim, Eung-Gyu Kim, Jong Seok Bae
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2011; 13(1): 51-53.
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1) with Multifocal White Matter Changes in Both Frontotemporoparietal Lobes
Jeong Cheol Lim, Gu No Cho, Eung-Gyu Kim, Jong Seok Bae
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2011; 13(1): 48-50.
Is Interventional Therapy Superior to Medical Treatment in Chronic Low Back Pain?: No
Jong Seok Bae
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2010; 12(1): 7-10.
Restless Legs Syndrome developed from Complex Regional Pain syndrome type1
Kang Min Park, Sang jin Kim, Jong seok Bae, Chul Ho Woo
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2007; 9(1): 36-38.
Transient Remission of Myasthenia Gravis Following Leukopenia
Seok Min Go, Jong Seok Bae, Jin Young Ahn, Min Ky Kim, Byoung Joon Kim
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2006; 8(2): 182-185.
Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Motor Evoked Potential Parameters in Intramedullary Myelopathy
Sang Hyeok Seo, Yong Bum Kim, Heui Soo Moon, Pil Wook Chung, Jae Young An, Jong Seok Bae, Minky Kim, Kyong Jin Shin, Byoung Joon Kim
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2006; 8(1): 29-35.
Teleconsultation Neuropathy
Seok Min Go, Jong Seok Bae, Sung Sik Park, Min Ky Kim, Byoung Joon Kim
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2005; 7(2): 141-142.
A Case of Posterior Antebrachial CutaneousNeuropathy After Injection Therapy
Jong Seok Bae, Min Uk Jang, Min Ky Kim, Gyong Jae Yoon, Byoung Joon Kim
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol.
2005; 7(2): 130-132.