Study on Normal Nerve Conduction Parameters |
Song Yee Han, Dae-Seong Kim, and Kyu-Hyun Park |
Copyright © 1999 The Korean Society of Clinical Neurophysiology |
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited. |
Background ad Aims : Nerve conduction study is invaluable in clinical neurology, especially for assessing peripheral neuropathies. Abnormal nerve conduction studies may result not only from peripheral nerve dysfunction itself, but also from other various mechanical, technical, and physiological factors such as age, sex, height and temperature. So we conducted this study to establish the our own normal values. Methods : In this study, from March. 1997 to July. 1998, 40 Korean adults among person came to Health Promotion extremity and distal segments. Physiological factors such as age, height and temperature affect the results of nerve conduction studies in multiple regression analysis. The sex difference is recognized over peroneal motor nerve. There are no sex difference in amplitude transformed into normal distribution. The significant physiological factor affecting |
Key words:
Nerve conduction study, Sex, Age, Height, Temperature |