Effect of Ketogenic Diet on the Nitric Oxide of Pilocarpine-induced Status Epilepticus |
Tae-Woo Kim, Jae-Moon Kim, Hee-Dong Park, Ki-Young Jung, and Dong-Wook Kim |
Copyright © 2003 The Korean Society of Clinical Neurophysiology |
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Backgrounds and Objectives: Despite of enormous clinical and laboratory researches focused on the useful markersin status epilepticus(SE), clinically applicable methods are not yet available. Although ketogenic diet (KD) is an oldmethod of treating epilepsies, its outstanding antiepileptic effect in some epileptic patients needs re-evaluation of thismethods. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of KD on the change of nitric oxide(NO) during the SE. Methods: After the determination of critical EEG stages in the pilocarpine-induced SE model, serum NO levels weremeasured with Griess reaction. Open cardiac puncture was done immediately after the four different EEG stages of SEin the KD rats and regular diet (RD) rats. Cessation of SE was done with the 10~20 mg/Kg of diazepam i.p. injection ineach stages of SE in KD and RD rats. Results: Pilocarpine-induced SE showed reliable EEG and behavioral patterns in all rats. Also, KD did not affect theSE induced by pilocarpine in terms of the SE induction time and SE severity. Serum NO was consistently higher in KDrats than RD rats in all SE stages. Conclusions: KD significantly increases NO during the pilocarpine-induced SE. These finding might contribute theneuroprotective effect of KD in the SE. |
Key words:
Status epilepticus, Ketogenic diet, Nitric oxide |