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Author :
Yong-Seok Lee 5 Articles
135 Transcranial Doppler Sonography: Basic principles and Practice
Yong-Seok Lee
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol. 2003; 5(1): 135-141.
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217 Transcranial Doppler Update 2001: Technical Points and Waveform interpretation
Yong-Seok Lee
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol. 2001; 3(2): 217-222.
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43 Acute Padysautonomic Neuropathy 2 Cases
Jong-Un Chun, Yong-Seok Lee, Hyunwoo Nam, Seong-Ho Park
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol. 2001; 3(1): 43-46.
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89 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : Correlation between Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Nerve Conduction Study
Seong-Ho Park, Hyunwoo Nam, Won-Joon Choi, Hee Jin Yang, Hye Won Chung, Sam Soo Kim, Sang Hyung Lee, Yong-Seok Lee, Chi Sung Song, Young Seob Chung, Kwang-Woo Lee
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol. 2000; 2(2): 89-94.
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210 Basic Skill and Interpretation of TCD in Ischemic Stroke
Yong-Seok Lee, Seong-Joon Cho
Korean J Clin Neurophysiol. 1999; 1(2): 210-219.
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