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 Accepted Manuscripts

Authors who publish in ACN have an option to make their manuscripts available immediately after acceptance. These “Accepted” manuscripts have already been peer-reviewed and approved for publication, but have not yet been proofread or formatted for publication.

When authors choose to take advantage of this ACN service, their papers are uploaded as PDF files with an abstract to the ACN website and available right away to contribute to the research community. When the “Accepted” paper is uploaded, this is considered the official publication date, but the “Accepted” paper is not considered the final paper of record because the editing process may identify errors to be corrected.

Authors should indicate whether they would like their manuscript uploaded as a “Accepted” file when they first submit their paper. It is not possible to change this decision in the middle of the technical editing and formatting process.
A “Accepted” manuscript should be cited as an online journal article. To cite a “Accepted” manuscript when writing for ACN, follow the guidelines in How to Format the References in the Instructions for Authors section.
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